Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Jellybean Jungle!

As you'll see in the next post to follow we threw my mom a suprise 50th birthday party! In an attempt to get her out of the house Brayden and I took "grammy" out to lunch and went to a cute little place called Jellybean Jungle. It's a pretty small place, not the "fanciest" but it was a great time for Brayden. It's a play area for children under 5. It was only 4.50 for bray since he's only 9 month old and you get two free adults. Which is awesome. 
He absolutely LOVED the ball pits! I am so not suprised b/c he loves the little ball pit his auntie katie got him for christmas but he was in heaven with the big ones. I'm not sure if he liked the kids or all the things to do better! :) he's so nosy and a social butterfly and needs to know what's going on all the time.  (just like his mommy. lol) 

We always joke Brayden is a little monkey but I was impressed with how well he was climbing and pulling himself up on anything and everything! He had so much fun!!

Yes he was "walking" himself up the jungle jim! OF course being a paranoid mom i was there to lend a helping hand!
Whatcha looking at?!
 Taking over the "big kid" ball pit! lol
 He knew how to move the pieces and wheels! SMART boy!
 Typical crazy brayden face!
 He loved the hanging pieces!
 He climbed up all on his own with grammy as a spotter! Go Brayden!

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