Thursday, July 28, 2011

9 month Pedes visit and Braydens 1st STEPS!

Braydens 9 month pedes appt went great he is now 19lb 1/5oz(25%) and 30 1/4 inches tall (98%)! Fortunately this month was only one shot and a hemoglobin test. The dr had me fill out a motor/verbal skills evalutation and he scored way above average functioning above the 12 month level!!!  I can't believe all the things he can do. The dr was really impressed with how advanced he is. I hate to be one of those annoying bragging moms i'm SO proud of my little man! Unfortunately our fav pedes Dr. Sarah is leaving the practice in September so we won't get to see her anymore.  She will be getting to work closer to home but she's been awesome in following Brayden with his reflux and milk protein issues. 

So the dr said we can now add eggs and peanut butter. To watch the PB carefully and still stay away from whole nuts. She actually wants us to start giving him whole milk at 11 months?!  So that's the game plan. Other than that he has no restrictions, she was happy with all the foods/water he is eating and drinking. And we are going to try and transition solely to sippy cup when we go to whole milk. Guess we will see how it goes. It'll prob be a process but I'm sure he will do great!

Dr. Sarah and I always joke that Brayden ALWAYS does new milestones RIGHT after we see her, and boy were we right! Tonight he decided he was going to take his first steps all on his own!  It's insane to see such a little person trying to walk. He gets so excited and proud of himself he screams and laughs while he's doing it and tries to run all at the same time. Needlesss to say he can only get maybe 2 or 3 steps in if he is lucky before he dives on the floor. But he laughed and got back up to try again. We did get video where i help him stand back up and ask him to walk to us!! SO cute! not sure if i'll post that or other video b/c I'm dressed all crazy bummy and a hot mess in it! lol  but i promise I will post something asap!!

All i know is This boy needs to SLOW down, he's not a baby anymore!!

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