Thursday, March 31, 2011

The fun in eating!

A week or two ago(5 months old) we started feeding Brayden whole solid foods and he LOVES it! He still does get some purees since they are easier for him to to eat in larger quantities but he loves the idea of feeding himself!!

Obviously we are very cautious about what we give him. I make sure that all of the pieces are large enough for him to hold on to and are not a choking hazard. Babies don't choke on slices of apple or a whole strawberry they choke on little things, so we just watch him carefully while he is eating.

So far he loves everything he has tried, or has warmed up to it after "playing" with it for a few minutes to see what it's all about. My feeling in all of this is along the same lines as making his food. If he is use to the textures and tastes of real food now at such a young age he will grow up liking a larger variety of foods. Of course all kids go though a stage of being picky but that is to be expected. We still do purees in addition to whole foods and he seems to enjoy them both.  We also don't do cereal as a meal.  It may seem unconventional but in his case he gets a LOT of cereal in each of his bottles to help with his reflux so he gets more than he probably should over the course of a day.

Some of the foods he's tried include apple slices, strawberries, mashed up grapes(which i fed him b/c i didn't want him to choke), tilapia, plain wheat pizza crust, steamed broccoli and potato. Based on what I have been reading it seems like introducing foods vs with holding different types for the sake of "allergies" is actually counterproductive. We do know that he does have milk protein sensitivity on top of his reflux so we stay away from things that could possibly aggravate his tummy. So for now we are going with the flow since he is content with how we are doing things :)
MMM wheat pizza crust! 



I made these fun little cupcakes for St Patrick's Day and am FINALLY getting to post pics. I def need to invest in some heart shape tips so my clovers don't look crazy! lol 

Lets Play Ball!

Since Jason is the BIGGEST Yankees fan i figured it's only fitting to show off some cute Brayden "yankees baby" pics for opening day! GO YANKEES!


Rolling? Maybe i'll just scoot around instead :)

Brayden FINALLY rolled from back to tummy on ST. Patrick's day! He's been trying since 3 months and would always get stuck on his arm but he finally got it! Of course he waited till I was out of the room but Aunt Katie got to see and he was showing off afterwards!  Despite all of his rolling skills it seems he prefers to scoot around the floor instead. lol  I STILL haven't caught it on video, so that will have to come later! His sitting skills are getting even better it's been about a month and he does great sitting on his own and is still trying to sit up from a laying position.

He is seriously growing like a weed! He still fits in a lot of his 6 month clothes but I had to pull out and wash everything up to 9 months.Of course everything in 9 months swims on him in the width but he is just too TALL!
This is how i found him after his nap!
He is ALWAYS moving and kicking his legs in excitement... 
this is what happens when your kid starts to outgrow thier pjs! lol 

Sunday, March 27, 2011

One of those weeks...

Brayden definitely hasn't had the best few weeks.First it started off with a cold that lasted almost two weeks, he's been teething relentlessly despite no breakthrough and this past week he must of been having one heck of a growth spurt waking up multiple times a night.  Poor kid! 

I'm not going to lie it definitely has been tiring and at times frustrating for me (and Jason) but I can't complain or imagine life any other way.  I look back at all the times that I cried because we couldn't pregnant, all the cycles and failures we went through and feel grateful for every moment good and bad I have with my amazing little man.   I can't imagine a better life of changing diapers, making bottles and wiping snotty noses! :) 

Look Mom a Truck!!

He discovered he can spin the wheels :) 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Happy St Patrick's Day!

Yes I am a little delayed on posting....HAPPY ST PATRICK'S DAY!

Brayden had fun visiting Grammy and Pop Pop on St. Patrick's Day! Technically he's prob only 1/16 Irish but that's enough reason to celebrate! We made ham and cabbage and corned beef for dinner... turned out really good, despite the fact that i hate corned beef... but everyone else enjoyed it :) Brayden even took part and tried some potatoes and loved it!  

I LOVE LOVE his smile!

You cant resist that face! 

 His typical "what?" face

Always eating anything he can get his hands on! 


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Working with Buttercream Icing

I am not the biggest fan of working with buttercream for cake design. I definitely need a LOT of practice. I think I am much more excited to learn how to work with gumpaste and fondant but here was my practice flowers on a cake.. a VERY tacky design but it was for fun.

Cupcakes I made for Jason's friends at work

Day in the life of Brayden

Everyday I feel like the luckiest person in the world to be mom! Some days are better than other but after years of trying to have a baby i think i have a special appreciation (no offense to anyone else) for all the little things, so here's a typical day with my amazing little man!

 This is the amazing smile i get to wake up to every day!!

Feeding Time! 
The latest trend is he wants to try and hold the bottle himself!  He almost did it the whole time!

Brayden is now officially in love with his doorway jumper.. which we affectionately call the "jump jump". : P After a monthor so of trying he finally realized its for jumping not spinning.  lol 

Nap Time!
He's famous for his 45 min naps! 

Always eating anything he can get his hands on!

He LOVES LOVES books! and Now that he is sitting up he can more easily flip 
through them and "feel" all of the pages (thanks to touch and feel books)!

Playing at the park!

Tummy Time! 
Prob his least favorite but he's really good at it!

Dinner Time!
So far he LOVES almost everything! 

Bed Time! 
That smile... What a great way to finish the night!


Brayden is officially sitting up!  He started a week or so ago but he's getting much better at it. Sometimes he leans forward all crazy, sometimes he tips over but he's getting better each day!  His faces seriously crack me up!  I love all of these milestones! Happy 20 weeks little man!

Look mom i'm doing it!! 

Trying out the Spiderman ball pit (thanks auntie katie!)

Ohhh what are THESE!?!